
Back Handspring Clinic with UCLA Gymnast

Train like the UCLA gymnasts do!

Open to all ages and levels ages 5 years-adult! Participants will be placed into groups according to age and level.
*Cheer/Dance teams, non-members are welcome!

Hosted by 3-time Olympic Coach, Olympic Silver Medalist and former Head Coach of UCLA gymnastics: LASG veteran Coach Yefim Furman!

Joining Yefim Furman is 2018 NCAA Pac-12 team champion from the National Championship winning team of the UCLA Bruins Gymnastics team

This exclusive back handspring clinic at the Los Angeles Schwill teach everyone proper tumbling skills, warm-up, conditioning, meet & greet and free poster giveaways!

Sunday, March 31, 2019
Time: 4-6pm

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Rhythmic Gymnastics: Top Things To Know About This Artistic Sport

Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport in which gymnasts perform on a floor with an apparatus: hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon or rope. The sport combines elements of artistic gymnastics, dance, and calisthenics; gymnasts must be strong, flexible, agile, dexterous and coordinated. Rhythmic gymnastics is governed by the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG). At the international level, rhythmic gymnastics is a women-only sport.

The most prestigious competitions, besides the Olympic Games, are the World Championships, World Games, European Championships, European Games, the World Cup Series, and the Grand Prix Series. Gymnasts are judged on their artistry, execution of skills, and difficulty of skills, for which they gain points. They perform leaps, balances, pivots, and flexibility movements, along with tossing, catching, rolling and otherwise manipulating the apparatus.

Rhythmic Gymnastics: A Brief History

In the 1800s rhythmic gymnastics operated under the guise of group gymnastics, and included a trace of elementary choreography. It grew slowly until the first experimental competitions appeared in eastern Europe in the 1930s when its newfound complexity began to draw a wider audience.

Rhythmic gymnastics evolved from a host of related disciplines. It incorporates elements from classical ballet, such as pli?s and arabesques, as well as the German system of emphasizing apparatus work for muscle development and the Swedish method of using free exercise to develop a rhythm.

The FIG recognized rhythmic gymnastics as an official discipline in 1963, and a year later organized an international tournament in Budapest. In 1964 the tournament was officially declared the first Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships, and Ludmila Savinkova of the Soviet Union became the first world champion.The number of athletes grew as interest spread to other parts of the world. Gymnasts from the United States first appeared at the championships in 1973, and rhythmic gymnastics slowly emerged from the shadow of the long-established artistic discipline to enter the Olympic program in 1984.

Since its integration into the Games in 1984 in Los Angeles, rhythmic gymnastics has always been a part of the Olympic program. In its inaugural year, it was Canada?s Lori Fung who won the gold medal. Until 1992 in Barcelona, only one individual event was on the program. A second, team event was added to the program in 1996 in Atlanta.

Rhythmic Gymnastics: Gymnasts

Olympic rhythmic gymnastics is only for female participants. Gymnasts start at a young age and become age-eligible to compete in the Olympic Games and other major international competitions on January 1 of their 16th year (For example, a gymnast born on 12-31-2004 would be age-eligible for the 2020 Olympics). Gymnasts typically start training at a very young age and those at their peak are typically in their late teens (15?19) or early twenties, but since recently it is common to see gymnasts achieving their peak after reaching their twenties.

Top rhythmic gymnasts must have many qualities; balance, flexibility, coordination, and strength are some of the most important. They also must possess psychological attributes such as the ability to compete under intense pressure, in which one mistake can cost them the title, and the discipline and work ethic to practice the same skills over and over again.

Currently, a gymnast can perform in the individual event or in the group event. They perform routines in 12 x 12-meter areas, accompanied by music. Since 1995, groups consisted of 5 gymnasts, but originally six gymnasts composed a group, although around the 1980s this could be even eight. The duration of a group exercise should be two and a half minutes, one minute more than the individual one, which is one minute and a half.

Rhythmic Gymnastics: Apparatus

The FIG selects which apparatus will be used in competitions, only four out of the five possible apparatuses are sanctioned. Hoop and rope were the first apparatus used at World Championships, followed later by ball, ribbon, and clubs.


It may be made of hemp or synthetic material that retains the qualities of lightness and suppleness. Its length is in proportion to the size of the gymnast. When the middle of the rope is held down by the feet, both ends should reach the gymnasts? armpits. One or two knots at each end are for keeping hold of the rope while doing the routine.

The rope must be colored, either all or partially. It may be either of a uniform diameter or be progressively thicker in the center provided that this thickening is of the same material as the rope.The fundamental requirements of a rope routine include leaps and skipping. Other elements include swings, throws, circles, rotations, and figures of eight.


A hoop may be made of plastic or wood, provided that it retains its shape during the routine. The hoop is chosen based on the gymnast?s size and should not extend beyond the hip bone when placed standing up on the floor. The interior diameter is from 51 to 90 cm and the hoop must weigh a minimum of 300g. Children and hope divisions, a minimum of 225 grams. The hoop may be of natural color or be partially or fully covered by one or several colors, and it may be covered with adhesive tape either of the same or different color as the hoop. Hoops are often customized using colored tapes to match the design of the leotards.The fundamental requirements of a hoop routine include rotation around the hand or body and rolling, as well as swings, circles, throws, and passes through and over the hoop.


It is made of either rubber or synthetic material (pliable plastic) provided it possesses the same elasticity as rubber. Senior and junior gymnasts are 18 to 20 cm in diameter and must have a minimum weight of 400g. The ball can be of any color.

The ball should rest in the gymnast?s hand and not rest against the wrist or be able to be grasped. Fundamental elements of a ball routine include throwing, bouncing or rolling. 

The gymnast must use both hands and work on the whole floor area whilst showing continuous flowing movement. The ball is to emphasize the gymnasts flowing lines and body difficulty.


It is made of either rubber or synthetic material (pliable plastic) provided it possesses the same elasticity as rubber. Senior and junior gymnasts are 18 to 20 cm in diameter and must have a minimum weight of 400g. The ball can be of any color. The ball should rest in the gymnast?s hand and not rest against the wrist or be able to be grasped. Fundamental elements of a ball routine include throwing, bouncing or rolling.

The gymnast must use both hands and work on the whole floor area whilst showing continuous flowing movement. The ball is to emphasize the gymnasts flowing lines and body difficulty.


It is made of satin or another similar material cloth of any color; it may be multi-colored and have designs on it. The ribbon itself must be at least 35 g (1.2 oz), 4?6 cm (1.6?2.4?) in width and have a minimum length of 6m (20?) for seniors and 5m (16.25?) for juniors. The ribbon must be in one piece.

The end that is attached to the stick is doubled for a maximum length of 1m (3?). The ribbon is fixed to the stick by means of a supple attachment such as thread, nylon cord, or a series of articulated rings. Compulsory elements for the ribbon include flicks, circles, snakes and spirals, and throws. It requires a high degree of co-ordination to form the spirals and circles as any knots which may accidentally form in the ribbon are penalized. During a ribbon routine, large, smooth and flowing movements are looked for. The ribbon may not stop moving or else points are taken off.

Scoring System

In rhythmic gymnastics competitions exercises are evaluated by the following parameters which are reviewed every four years, the system defining the FIG Code of Points. After each Olympic games, the scoring process is modified.

In the current Code of Points (2017-2020), the final score of a routine is the sum of the difficulty score and execution score. Penalties incurred will also be deducted from the final score. The difficulty score is open-ended with no maximum score, while the execution score has a starting value of 10 points. There are also penalties, which are realized by subtracting points from the final note for certain specified mistakes made by the gymnast.

There are many benefits to your children participating in gymnastics, even if they don?t compete professionally. It?s a healthy form of exercise that instills discipline, hard work, and dedication. Your child can learn all about expression through artistic movement while creating lasting relationships with their coaches and peers.

Fun Facts About Rhythmic Gymnastics

There are some interesting things about this competitive sport that you may not know! For example, even though rhythmic gymnastics is a female-only Olympic Sport, there are other competitions that include male participants. Japan and several countries in Europe already have their own national category for men?s rhythmic gymnastics.

Gymnasts must not only do the splits but also push it past the 180-degree status quo. In order to accomplish those leaps and acrobatic moves, athletes must be able to do oversplits. These moves require them to bend their legs completely in front and behind them!

Canadian athlete Lori Fung won the first individual Olympic gold medal. And Spain won the first group gold medal. Overall, however, Russia has dominated the sport in both the individual and group Olympic competitions.

Athletes typically begin their training at an early age work for years before they can have the chance to compete professionally. They must become masters of their artistry and perform under extreme pressure. Trainers painstakingly create each routine in minute detail and then practice for hours every day. However, gymnasts will tell you that while it?s a hard path to take, they find great satisfaction in their sport.

There are many benefits to your children participating in gymnastics, even if they don?t compete professionally. It?s a healthy form of exercise that instils discipline, hard work, and dedication. Your child can learn all about expression through artistic movement while creating lasting relationships with their trainers and peers.

If you?re interested in enrolling your child in this artistic sport, reach out to the Los Angeles School of Gymnastics or visit our website to get started!

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Beneficios De Los Gimnasicos Para Ni?os, Ni?as Y Todos Los Ni?os

La gimnasia es un deporte de alta habilidad donde el ?xito requiere una inmensa cantidad de fuerza f?sica, flexibilidad, perseverancia y tenacidad mental. Es una excelente actividad de desarrollo que se practica mejor desde la infancia. El impacto de la gimnasia en un ni?o puede llevar a una gran cantidad de beneficios que no se limitan solo al desarrollo f?sico; de hecho, inscribir a su hijo en este deporte tambi?n puede ayudarlo social y acad?micamente. Su hijo no tiene que convertirse en un gimnasta competitivo para obtener los beneficios de participar en esta actividad. Divertirse haciendo lo que les gusta mantendr?a a raya los efectos nocivos como la obesidad y los alentar?a a seguir un estilo de vida m?s sano y disciplinado. Echa un vistazo a algunos de los beneficios de la gimnasia para ni?os que te ofrece Jennifer de

Beneficios De La Gymnasia Para Ninos;

Aunque las ventajas de inscribirse en este deporte no son espec?ficas de g?nero, los ni?os tienden a tener una ligera ventaja f?sica sobre las ni?as a medida que crecen. Un deporte organizado como la gimnasia ofrecer?a los siguientes beneficios a tu hijo:

  • Aprenden la importancia de la disciplina que no se ense?a en las escuelas.
  • Comienzan a comprender c?mo funciona el cuerpo y sus limitaciones.
  • Participar en gimnasia le ense?a a su hijo la importancia de jugar en equipo.
  • Les ayuda a desarrollar m?sculos m?s fuertes y cuerpo flexible.

Beneficios De La Gymnasia Para Ninas

Este deporte tambi?n es muy popular entre las ni?as, ya que la gran cantidad de mujeres participantes en los Juegos Ol?mpicos y otros eventos mundiales son testigos de este hecho. Los padres se preguntan si es una buena idea inscribir a su hija en gimnasia debe ser consciente de los siguientes beneficios

  • Este deporte tambi?n es muy popular entre las ni?as, ya que la gran cantidad de mujeres participantes en los Juegos Ol?mpicos y otros eventos mundiales son testigos de este hecho. Los padres se preguntaban si ser?a una buena idea inscribir a su hija en gimnasia para conocer los siguientes beneficios:
  • Ayuda a tu peque?a a ser autosuficiente desde una edad temprana
  • Ayuda a deshacerse de la idea convencional de que los ni?os son mejores en deportes que las ni?as Les ayuda a desarrollar una personalidad c?lida y encantadora debido a la socializaci?n involucrada.
  • Les ayuda a desarrollar resistencia y resistencia.
  • Ense?a la importancia de luchar para mantenerse en la competici?n.

Beneficios De La Gymnasia Para Ninos

Como se mencion? anteriormente, todos pueden aprovechar los beneficios de la gimnasia ya que la mayor?a de ellos no son espec?ficos de g?nero. Los ni?os, especialmente, pueden adaptarse mejor a situaciones dif?ciles y aprender r?pidamente habilidades debido a su mayor capacidad cognitiva. Para realizar una determinada acci?n, su hijo tendr?a que visualizar la habilidad de antemano, que es una excelente manera para que desarrollen una correlaci?n entre sus funciones cerebrales y corporales. La investigaci?n ha encontrado que existe una fuerte relaci?n entre los ni?os que est?n en buena forma f?sica y su rendimiento acad?mico. Las habilidades cognitivas requeridas en un campo de entrenamiento de gimnasia tambi?n se transfieren al aula, lo que puede ayudarlos a centrarse en las lecciones y obtener mejores resultados acad?micos.

Beneficios Sociales y De Caracter

Cultivar valiosas habilidades sociales es una necesidad en las clases de gimnasia, ya que su hijo tendr? que escuchar, tomar consejos, seguir instrucciones y ser respetuoso con sus compa?eros y entrenadores. Tambi?n se anima a los ni?os a tomar turnos y motivarse unos a otros para crear v?nculos y fomentar una atm?sfera de equipo saludable. Muchos movimientos gimn?sticos requieren que uno conf?e completamente en su pareja; esto puede ayudar a desarrollar sentimientos de confianza mutua y formar habilidades de relaci?n que ser?an ?tiles en muchos aspectos de la vida.

Investigaci?n y hallazgos de los beneficios de la gimnasia.

Seg?n el estudio realizado por JCEM o Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, se encontr? que el nivel de elite de la gimnasia r?tmica desempe?? un papel positivo en la geometr?a ?sea y la densidad del volumen ?seo en las adolescentes. Sime?n Tournis, licenciado en Ciencias de la Universidad de Atenas, dijo que ?los estudios en adolescentes han encontrado que existe una asociaci?n entre el ejercicio con pesas, la fuerza ?sea y la densidad ?sea?. Procedi? a afirmar que la gimnasia r?tmica mejora significativamente la salud ?sea, dado que la tendencia a desarrollar osteoporosis comienza desde la infancia. Por lo tanto, el entrenamiento gimn?stico continuo incluso m?s all? de los a?os de adolescencia de las ni?as, incluso si es menos intensivo, puede desempe?ar un papel en la protecci?n de los huesos de las fracturas en el futuro. Si desea que su hijo crezca feliz y saludable, puede inscribirse en clases de gimnasia. 

Todo lo que tienes que hacer es investigar un poco en los campamentos locales que te rodean y luego llevarlo al mejor Instituto posible. ?Entonces, Qu? esperas? ?Hazlo ahora!

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Benefits Of Gymnastics For Boys, Girls And All Kids

On October 19 2014, Los Angeles School of Gymnastics? coach headed down to the Rustic Canyon Recreation Center in Santa Monica California, to take part of the Fundraising event benefiting the Canyon Charter School.

Benefits of Gymnastics for Boys

Even though the advantages of enrolling in this sport is not gendered specific, boys tend to have a slight physical advantage over girls as they get older. An organized sport like gymnastics would offer the following benefits to your boy:

  • They get to learn the importance of discipline that is not taught in schools
  • They begin to understand how the body works and its limitations
  • Engaging in taking part in gymnastics teaches your boy the importance of team play
  • Helps them develop stronger muscles and flexible body

Benefits of Gymnastics for Girls

This sport is also very popular among girls as the sheer number of women participants in the Olympics and other global events bear witness to this fact. Parents were wondering if it?s a good idea to enroll their daughter in gymnastics should be aware of the following benefits:

  • Helps your little girl to become self-dependent from an early age
  • Helps get rid of the conventional idea that boys are better in sports than girls
  • Helps them develop a warm and charming personality due to the socialization involved
  • Helps them build up endurance and stamina
  • Teaches the importance of struggle to stay in the competition

Benefits of Gymnastics for Kids

As mentioned earlier, everyone can reap the benefits of gymnastics as most of them are not gender specific. Kids, especially, can better adapt to challenging situations and quickly learn skills due to their greater cognitive ability. To perform a certain action, your child would have to visualize the skill beforehand, which is a great way for them to develop a correlation between their brain and body functions.

Research has found that there is a strong relationship between children who are physically fit and their academic achievement. The cognitive abilities required in a gymnastic training ground also carry over into the classroom, which can help them focus on lessons and get improved academic results.

Social and character benefits

Cultivating valuable social skills are a necessity in gymnastic classes as your child will have to listen, take advice, follow directions, and be respectful towards their peers and trainers. Kids are also encouraged to take turns and motivate one another to create bonds and foster a healthy, team atmosphere. A lot of gymnastic moves require one to put complete trust in their partner; this can help develop feelings of mutual trust and form relationship skills that would be useful in many walks of life.

Research and findings of the benefits of gymnastics

According to the study conducted by JCEM or Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, it was found that elite level of rhythmic gymnastics played a positive role in bone geometry and bone volume density in adolescent girls. Symeon Tournis, M.D. of the University of Athens said that ?studies of adolescents have found that there is an association between weight-bearing exercise, bone strength, and bone density?. He proceeded to further state that rhythmic gymnastics significantly improve bone health given that the tendency of developing osteoporosis begin from childhood. Thus, continuing gymnastic training even beyond the adolescence years of girls, even if it?s less intensive, may play a role in protecting bones from fracture later in life.

If you want your child to grow up happy and healthy, you can sign them up for gymnastics lessons. All you have to do is do a bit of research on the local camps around you and then roll him or her to the best possible Institute. So what are you waiting for? Do it now!

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10 Beneficios Para Inscribir A Tus Ni?os En Gimnasia

La gimnasia es un deporte de alta habilidad donde el ?xito requiere una inmensa cantidad de fuerza f?sica, flexibilidad, perseverancia y tenacidad mental. Es una excelente actividad de desarrollo que se practica mejor desde la infancia. El impacto de la gimnasia en un ni?o puede llevar a una gran cantidad de beneficios que no se limitan solo al desarrollo f?sico; de hecho, inscribir a su hijo en este deporte tambi?n puede ayudarlo social y acad?micamente.

Su hijo no tiene que convertirse en un gimnasta competitivo para obtener los beneficios de participar en esta actividad. Divertirse haciendo lo que les gusta mantendr?a a raya los efectos nocivos como la obesidad y los alentar?a a seguir un estilo de vida m?s sano y disciplinado.
Echa un vistazo a algunos de los beneficios de la gimnasia para ni?os que te traen.

De acuerdo con el sitio web, ?hay 10 beneficios para inscribir a sus hijos!

Es divertido
Desarrolla fuerza
Desarrolla flexibilidad
Desarrolla coordinacion
Ense?a habilidades de escucha.
Gana autoestima y confianza.
Proporciona interacci?n social con compa?eros.
Ense?a el establecimiento de metas
Desarrolla habilidades cognitivas para ayudar en el aula.
Desarrolla habilidades para mejorar otros deportes.

La gimnasia es un deporte de desarrollo incre?ble que tiene un profundo impacto en el bienestar general de un ni?o. Beneficia a su hijo f?sica, acad?mica y socialmente. La gimnasia proporciona las bases atl?ticas adecuadas para todos los esfuerzos deportivos. Ayuda a aumentar la flexibilidad, la fuerza, la velocidad, la agilidad, la coordinaci?n y el equilibrio. Tambi?n ser f?sicamente activo en la gimnasia puede prevenir la obesidad, algunos tipos de c?ncer y ayuda a la presi?n arterial y la densidad ?sea. Los ni?os activos tienden a crecer para convertirse en adolescentes y adultos activos y saludables.

La gimnasia tiene muchos otros beneficios que pueden no ser tan obvios como los f?sicos. ?Tambi?n puede ayudar a su hijo fuera del gimnasio! Dado que la gimnasia es un deporte de desarrollo, desarrolla habilidades a trav?s de la progresi?n de pasos. Esto ayuda a mejorar la concentraci?n de su hijo, lo que puede ayudarlo a resolver problemas, matem?ticas y la lectura en la escuela. La gimnasia requiere que los ni?os no solo usen ambos lados de su cerebro por separado, sino que tambi?n requieren que ambos lados trabajen al mismo tiempo juntos. Esto es muy beneficioso para su hijo.

La gimnasia tambi?n ayuda a mejorar las habilidades sociales de los ni?os. Durante una clase los ni?os observar?n, practicar?n esperando su turno, seguir?n las instrucciones, respetar?n a los dem?s y escuchar?n. Todas estas habilidades son muy importantes para que un ni?o practique para mejorar sus habilidades sociales. A medida que un ni?o adquiere habilidades y su entrenador lo alienta, aumenta su autoestima, adquiere una sensaci?n de control sobre los movimientos de su cuerpo, lo que aumenta el autoapoderamiento saludable y la conciencia corporal.

Los ni?os de todas las edades pueden aprovechar los beneficios de la gimnasia. Ahora es el momento de inscribir a su hijo para que pueda experimentar todos los beneficios que ofrece la gimnasia. ?Lo mejor de la gimnasia es que su hijo se divertir? tanto que ni siquiera se dar?n cuenta de lo mucho que est?n aprendiendo en el proceso!

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10 Benefits To Enroll Your Kids In Gymnastics

Gymnastics is a high skill sport where success requires an immense amount of physical strength, flexibility, perseverance, and mental tenacity. It is a superb developmental activity that is best practiced from childhood. The impact of gymnastics on a child can lead to a myriad of benefits that aren?t just limited to physical development; in fact, enrolling your child in this sport can also help them socially and academically.Your child does not have to become a competitive gymnast to reap the benefits of engaging in this activity. Having fun doing what they love would keep ill effects like obesity at bay and encourage them to stick to a healthier and disciplined lifestyle.

Check out some benefits of gymnastics for children brought to you.

According to the website there are 10 benefits to enroll your kids!

  1. It?s fun
  2. Develops strength
  3. Develops flexibility
  4. Develops coordination
  5. Teaches listening skills
  6. Gains self-esteem and confidence
  7. Provides social interaction with peers
  8. Teaches goal setting
  9. Develops cognitive abilities to help in the classroom
  10. Develops skills to enhance other sports

Gymnastics is an amazing developmental sport that has a profound impact on a child?s whole well-being. It benefits your child physically, academically and socially. Gymnastics provides the proper athletic foundations for all sporting endeavors. It helps increase flexibility, strength, speed, agility, coordination, and balance. Also being physically active in gymnastics may prevent obesity, some types of cancer, and helps blood pressure and bone density. Active children tend to grow up to become active and healthy teens and adults.

Gymnastics has many other benefits that may not be as obvious as the physical ones. It can help your child outside of the gym too! Since gymnastics is a developmental sport it builds skills through the progression of steps. This helps improve your child?s concentration which can help them with problem solving, math and reading in school. Gymnastics requires children to not only use both sides of their brain separately, but it also requires both sides to work at the same time together! This is very beneficial for your child.

Gymnastics also helps enhance children?s social skills. During a class children will observe, practice waiting their turn, follow directions, respect other and listen. All of these skills are very important for a child to practice to enhance their social skills.

 As a child achieves skills and is encouraged by their coach they increase their self-esteem, gain a sense of control over their body?s movements which increases healthy self-empowerment and body awareness.

Children of all ages can reap the benefits from gymnastics. Now is the time to enroll your child so they can experience all the benefits gymnastics has to offer. The best part of gymnastics is that your child will be having so much fun they won?t even realize how much they are learning in the process!

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El Campamento De Mejor Invierno En Los Angeles Se Ofrece En La School Of Gymnastics

A medida que se acerca la Navidad, muchos padres est?n pensando en c?mo manejar las vacaciones y, lo que es m?s importante, qu? hacer con los ni?os. Varios meses despu?s del a?o escolar, las vacaciones de invierno se asoman como espectros terribles en los horizontes de muchos padres, planteando preguntas dif?ciles sobre el cuidado de los ni?os y la supervisi?n de los d?as festivos.

?Qu? har?n tus hijos con su tiempo? ?C?mo pueden pasar las vacaciones de una manera productiva y saludable?
L.A. School of Gymnastics tiene la soluci?n perfecta para sus problemas de vacaciones. Para la temporada de vacaciones, considere enviar a su ni?o o ni?a a un programa especial, dise?ado exclusivamente por L.A. School of Gymnastics, para maximizar su estudio de la gimnasia.

El Campamento de invierno es una excelente manera para que su hijo use su tiempo de manera constructiva, permiti?ndoles perderse en su b?squeda de la excelencia, al tiempo que le brinda la seguridad de que su hijo est? a salvo y seguro.

 Para el Campamento de invierno, puede elegir entre un programa de medio d?a, que se lleva a cabo de 9AM a 12PM; un programa de d?a completo de 9 a 3 p. m .; o un programa de cuidado extendido de 8AM a 6PM. Drop-ins son bienvenidos.

L.A. School of Gymnastics proporcionar? refrigeradores, refrigeradores y m?quinas expendedoras para quienes traigan su almuerzo de casa. Para las personas que buscan comprar el almuerzo, habr? un almuerzo de pizza de
$ 8 disponible en el sitio (2 rebanadas y una bebida). Todos los almuerzos de pizza deben comprarse antes de las 9:45 AM. Aseg?rese de proporcionar suficiente comida o dinero para satisfacer el apetito de su hijo. ?Listo para inscribir a su hijo? Ll?manos al 310-204-1980 o reg?strate hoy!

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The Best Winter Break Day Camp In Los Angeles Is Offered At La School Of Gymnastics

As Christmas approaches, many parents are thinking about how to handle the holidays and, more importantly, what to do with the kids. Several months into the school year, Winter break looms like terrible specters on the horizons of many parents, posing difficult questions about childcare and holiday supervision. What will your kids do with their time? How can they spend the holidays in a productive, healthy way?

L.A. School of Gymnastics has the perfect solution to your holiday woes. For the holiday season, consider sending your boy or girl to a special program, designed exclusively by L.A. Gymnastics, to maximize their study of gymnastics! Winter Camp is a great way for your child to use their time constructively, allowing them to lose themselves in their pursuit of excellence while also providing you with the assurance that your child is safe and secure. 

L.A. School of Gymnastics will provide coolers, a refrigerator, and vending machines for those bringing their lunch from home. For people seeking to purchase lunch, there will be an $8 pizza lunch available on-site (2 slices and one drink). All pizza lunches must be purchased by 9:45AM. Please make sure you provide enough food or money to satisfy your child?s appetite. Ready to enroll your child? Call us at 310-204-1980 or sign up today!

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Academy Meet and Expo: Benefits of Participating in a non-competitive format

Our bi-annual Academy Meet and Expo will be held on November 11th from 1-3pm! We are excited to present this awesome event where children can perform to the best of their ability in this non-competitive format.

While gymnastics is a competitive sport, recreational gymnastics is also an extracurricular activity where kids can learn exciting new skills and obtain personal growth in strength, endurance, stretching, and other beneficial attributes. While healthy competition can be a great way for children to learn fundamental qualities of life, such as good sportsmanship, it got us thinking about the benefits of participating in non-competitive sports and activities.

Participating in non-competitive sports and activities teaches a lasting set of life skills which are more likely to influence children later in life.

Recreational gymnastics is a great, non-competitive sport that improves general health, motor skills, coordination, balance, and strength. Recreational gymnastics also teaches commitment, discipline, social skills, and improves self-esteem. Some other benefits of participating in non-competitive sports, such as recreational gymnastics, is self-growth.

When children are participating in activities where they are focused on developing their individual skill, they are learning ways to improve themselves without the need to be better than someone else. In essence, they are competing to be better than the person they were yesterday. Children get a chance to test themselves against their best performance.

Recreational gymnastics, as well as other non-competitive sports, promote sustainable habits of movement and fitness that will last a lifetime. Maintaining health and weight, while also learning a new skill, does not have to be achieved through competitive victory. Sustaining health, while also having fun, is best achieved through diversity, pleasure, and a joyful experience. Childhood physical activity should get kids to enjoy movement and enjoy developing their skill. Recreational gymnastics is a great way to get children exciting about being active, learning awesome tricks, and using those skills for the rest of their lives. In addition to recreational gymnastics, some general lifelong activities also include biking, hiking, kayaking, canoeing, swimming, archery, karate, running, walking, in-line skating, paintball, fishing, horseback riding, and youth camps. Regardless of the activity, research shows that active children are more likely to be active adults; therefore, getting kids active early in life is imperative.

Our Academy Meet and Expo is a momentous event where children of all levels and ages can display everything they have learned in their gymnastics classes. Although not competitive, children will be proud to show their family and friends all that they have learned in their gymnastics class. Please call us at 310-204-1980 to reserve your seat(s).

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Why Parents Prefer to Enroll Their Kids at Los Angeles School of Gymnastics

When it comes to choosing the right gymnastics school for their child/children, parents usually consider some important factors before they enroll their son/daughter, including the affordability and the quality of the programs that are being offered and the proximity of the school. These are just a few, important factors that parents want from a gymnastics school before enrolling their child. But what makes Los Angeles School of Gymnastics the premier choice of LA parents? In this blog, we cover the reasons why parents choose the Los Angeles School of Gymnastics and why they refer us to their family and friends.


Strong Reputation To Communities That We Serve

Since it was founded in 1975, Los Angeles School of Gymnastics have taught and molded thousands of young students and helped them reach their ultimate goal; compete in State, Regional competitions and move on to compete in the Olympics. Many of our former students have qualified to compete in the coming Olympics.


Our Staff And Coaches Are Committed To Our Students? Success

We understand that in order for our students to be successful in this sport, they need all the support from everyone including our staff and coaches. Our staff is working round the clock to make sure that every parent and student?s needs are met. Our coaches are very hands-on to all our students and they want to bring the best out of them. We have monthly parents-to-coaches meeting covering topics related to the development of each student and any concerns they may have.


?The Proximity Of Our School

LA School of Gymnastics is located in the heart of Culver City. Our students live either in Culver or in neighboring cities such as Inglewood, Marina Del Rey, Venice, Playa Del Rey, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, and other parts of central and west Los Angeles. These communities are very diverse and parents are very passionate about sports, especially gymnastics. Commute to our school is just a few minutes away and there are several easy access points to public transportation.


Quality And Affordable Programs

When it comes to enrolling their child/children to gymnastics, parents? number one concern is the price of the program. Here at LA School of Gymnastics, we offer the best and most affordable gymnastics programs in all of LA. We believe that parents shouldn?t have to spend hundreds of dollars to support their kids? aspirations.


We Are Active On Social Media

Parents love that we are active on social media because it is another way of communication where they can learn more about our programs, reach us whenever they have questions, and get more information.

If you are ready to enroll your child/children, we can be reached by filling out this form or you can call us at 310-204-1980. You can also message us on Facebook or Instagram to inquire about our programs.

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